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4Trans Factoring

case study 4trans factoring

Migration to the Cloud. The DevOpsGroup company brought an efficient and smart solution for the ScaleUp company 4Trans Factoring with one of its pre-made infrastructure packages. The result is not only satisfaction but also cooperation in other areas.

GTO Wizard

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Infrastructure Optimisation for the initial production release, High Availability operation for applications within the production cluster.

Benefits of migration to Cloud

Migration to Cloud

Migration to cloud, moving data, applications to cloud-based infrastructure provided by Amazon web Services, Azure and Google Cloud.

Continuous Delivery in DevOps: A step-by-step guide

continuous delivery in devops: a step-by-step guide,what is continuous delivery,steps to introduce cd into workflow,deployment pipeline,step-by-step guide,continuous delivery in devops a step by step guide

What is Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery (CD) in the context of DevOps is a practice focused on automating the entire software delivery process from code integration to production deployment. It emphasizes the ability to release software reliably and frequently by automating tasks such as code compilation, testing, packaging, and deployment. Continuous Delivery works hand in […]

Advantages of DevOps

Business and profit advantages of devops tools

DevOps helps organisations become more agile, efficient, and customer-focused, allowing them to deliver better software products and services while reducing operational overhead and risks. This kind of cultural transformation crosses the boarder of organisation and find its way to the community and the way of life of not only the product but the people using the product as the one that creating it.

What is DevOps?

devops policy

“DevOpsGroup’s ‘What is DevOps?’ blog post provides a concise overview of DevOps, discussing its pivotal role in uniting development and operations for improved collaboration and efficiency. The article touches on key principles, practices, and the benefits of implementing DevOps in modern technology environments.”

DevOps Aspects

devops aspects

The DevOps aspects relate to different areas of software development and operations that are improved through the implementation of DevOps methodology – DevOps culture. We will list the aspects behind the idea of effective software creation, testing and deployment and improved communication between developers and technical departments.

Roles in DevOps

devops roles

A DevOps (development and operations) team is a cross-functional group of experts within an organization that focuses on improving collaboration and communication between software development and IT operations. The main goal of the DevOps team is to streamline the software development life cycle, automate processes and ensure smooth and efficient development, deployment and operation of […]